Thursday, July 12, 2012

It is nervous and apt to cause the cause of disease of _ of children's functional constipation

It is nervous and apt to cause the cause of disease of _ of children's functional constipation
Long Long has been already three years old, but always there is a excrement mark on pants in nearly two months, Long Long's mother is very worried, she was bringing child to the medical centre child's anus intestines subject clinic of specialized department of anus intestines of national Chinese medicine of institute of traditional Chinese medicine of Nanjing a few days ago, doctor has inquired the medical history in detail, make, finish radiography of intestines and rectum rectum, examine, pigeonhole, check also, confirm dragon's dragon is introverted, can't meet the collective livelihood of the kindergarten for the moment, nervous, suppress and relieve oneself. Long Long dredge through psychology of doctor, cooperate, defecate, train, once a day stool under two week, the excrement mark on the pants has disappeared too. Will often get and meet this kind of infant in the clinic, among them many parents think rectum incontinence go to a doctor. In fact, this is a kind of behavior of child's functional constipation.Then, which display woolen cloth there is children's functional constipation? The infant often presents the stool stiffly, defecates and cries and screams, defecates cycle lengthens (3-5 days) , the excrement and urine pollutes symptoms such as the pants,etc., parents and infant are often all very worried. Infant and pre-school children that this kind of constipation mostly takes place at 1-5 years old. Most infants were once used to defecating normally, often because the environmental factor of entering the kindergarten, moving etc. changes, the eating habit changes or parents do not is constrained and brings out with spirit. The rectum of rectum examine, pigeonhole, check, the quiet interest of the children's anal canal is pressed often higher than the normal child without constipation, the sphincter of rectum can't be relaxed while defecating, even tense instead, some also have obstacle that rectum feels the function, it does not have characteristic change that the colon radiography is checked. The level is raised very much to check and can find the pancreas more in serum biochemistry, the plain level of wriggling of intestines drops etc..In the treatment of the functional constipation, should educate the infant's parents and annual long infant at first, let them understand that defecate and prevent the knowledge of constipation normally, it influences the spiritual factor defecating to get rid of, the intersection of training and method that society defecate correctly, master and use and is open to fill in simple operation method of revealing etc.. Secondly remove and gather the excrement and urine dry and hard, can draw out carefully after applying lubricant on the finger. In addition use cathartic rationally under the guidance of doctor. If children can eat cereal, wheaten food, vegetables, fruit normally, seldom need to supplement the cellulose extraly. Form regular stool habit very important every day, parents can the intersection of stomach and colon that produce reflect, come on, train utilize child eat. Annual long children can also train biofeedback. Internal medicine department or result of treatment of recovering is about 90%. Infant not good of curative effect, need, carry on nerve further electric physiology measure and radiography of discharging feces, colon run test with histology,etc. choosing surgery to treat pointedly checking.



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