Thursday, July 12, 2012

Precise rice nutrition is not so high as the brown rice

Precise rice nutrition is not so high as the brown rice
The brown rice means that is shelling, still keeping some skin tissues, such as cortex, aleurone layer and rice of the plumule, because the mouthfeel is relatively thick, the texture is close, boil and stand up more time-consuming, already few people have eaten now. But the polished white rice is that the brown rice is finished grind, removed what the skin organization gets, the only our rice usually more food, it not only seems white and fine and smooth, and taste softer and delightfuller. But the nutritionist points out: The nutritive value of the brown rice is higher than the precise rice. Why?
In fact, 60%- 70% of the vitamin, mineral and a large number of essential amino acids is built up in the skin organization in the rice, and though the rice which we ate at ordinary times is pure white and fine and smooth, the nutritive value has already lost in the course of processing, in addition, wash repeatedly while cooking, vitamin and mineral in the skin is further run off, the one left is mainly carbohydrate and some proteins, its nutritive value is much lower than the brown rice. Don't look down upon organization of these skins that kept in the brown rice, they have very high nutritive value.
Study to find, rice bran and plumule part contain abundant thiamine and Vitamin E in the brown rice in modern nutrition, can improve the immunologic function, promote the blood circulation and can also help people to dispel depressed and agitated mood, make people full of vigor. In addition, content of microelement such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese are relatively high in the brown rice, help to prevent cardiovascular vessel disease and anemia. It has also kept a large number of meal fibers, can promote the hyperplasia of intestinal beneficial bacterium, accelerate the intestine and wriggle, soften the excrement and urine, prevent constipation and intestinal cancer; The meal fiber still can be bound with cholesterol in the bile, promote the discharge of cholesterol, thus help the patient of hyperlipemia to reduce the fat of blood.
Eat the brown rice very beneficial to diabetic and overweight person. Because the carbohydrate among them is wrapped up by the coarse fibre tissue, the human body digests and assimilates the speed slower, therefore can well control blood glucose; Meanwhile, microelements such as zinc, chromium, manganese, vanadium,etc. help to improve the sensitiveness of insulin in the brown rice, it is very helpful for the person that damages to the sugar tolerance. It proves, the blood glucose index of the brown rice meal is much lower than the rice that Japan studies, have a better full belly sense while eating the same quantity, help to control the appetite, thus help the overweight person to reduce weight. So, countries such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore,etc. have raised and eaten the brown rice to control the upsurge of weight very early.
The editor recommends:Leave fragrant rice in Thailand


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