What does diabetes patient eat 6 great suggestions of diabetic diet
What diabetes patient eats, the diabetic's diet needs to be particularly noteworthy, should pay attention to the absorption of the sugar on ordinary days. And the diabetic food therapy must insist on, there is only persevering completion for some time, alimentary therapy will see the effect. The diet scheme must accord with patient's actual conditions. And the proportions of carbohydrate, fat, three major nutrient of protein will vary with each individual, to the 1 type diabetic becoming thin, teenagers' 2 type diabetic, the pregnant diabetic will consider the actual requirement of these crowds heat, can't treat as the same. In addition still should notice that makes patient's blood glucose maintenance steady and up to standard with the good cooperation of sports and the medicine, could control the condition effectively in this way.
Can the diabetic drink?
The patient liking drinking can allow a small amount of alcohol to take in, such as 100-150 ml of daily red wine. Do not encourage drinking the strong drink. It needs notices to be to drink, can result in, take, urge, secrete pharmaceutical or use patient of insulin the hypoglycemia take place on an empty stomach in addition, therefore should take food at the same time while drinking.
Eat something in the face of the sumptuous cooked food
The diabetes patient should select few oil few salt and light food. Can't think heavy oil, half meat or fish half plain dish, matter only eating dishes. The oil should be used little should pay attention to stir-fry, the cooked food should adopt more ways such as steamed, poaching, rinsing, burning, baking, stewing, bittern cold and dressed with sauce,etc. while cooking. The cooking should use the plant oil, try hard to reduce and attend a banquet. The matching among the quantity at the time of wanting according to having a meal at home at ordinary times too while attending a banquet and food comes to choose the meal.
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