Monday, June 25, 2012

The sperm checks attentive matters

The sperm checks attentive matters
In order to find the reason why men are sterile, observe the result of postoperative ligature of spermatic duct, or have diseases such as inflammation, tuberculosis, tumour,etc. to check the male reproductive system, must check the seminal fluid.The seminal fluid is a kind of milky white liquid, made up by the testis, secretion of epididymis, prostate and seminal vesicle, and is mixed with some urethral gland body secretion. The sperm is the most important tangible composition in the seminal fluid. The liquid composition is called the precise thick liquid, transport the medium that sperms needs.Sperm to develop, nearly by precise original cell in the testis take 66- 74 days in the mankind gradually. The increase and decrease of the endocrine, the external world stimulates such as radioactive rays, temperature,etc., can only change the quality of the sperm, can not change its ripe time limit.Seminal fluid quantity, color, viscosity, smell, acid alkalinity,etc. are very helpful to disease diagnosis.The normal people's liquid amount is 2- 6 ml. Each contain 6000- 12000 ten thousand sperm, in 2 ml getting under and large to have sperm's number that is reduced meanwhile, but it is pregnant that influence is caused. But if the sperm is high quality, only 1 ml can also be caused pregnant. If the seminal fluid is too dense, influence the sperm activity, it is one of the reasons why men are sterile. Ejaculation quantity is over 6 ml each time, the sperm is low in density, the nutrition condition is too bad, the energy are not good, not easy to cause and pregnant either.The relation is not big for the amount and arranging precise spacing interval of sperm quantity, after ejaculation, can resume original ejaculation amount about 24 hours later, but the sperm included counts and greatly reduces. There is too little seminal fluid amount, see in prostate and seminal vesicle pathological change (such as tuberculosis) . The persons who originally can't ejaculate without seminal fluid or sexual intercourse are called having seminal fluid disease, such as castration, cryptorchidism, urethra, ejaculatory duct highly narrow and spirit nature causes etc. adolescence.The normal seminal fluid is for being colourless and transparent or takes ashen, the long-term sexual repression person's seminal fluid is a little dark yellow, the color changes promptly while there is pathological change.Before leaving the seminal fluid, the patient should stop sexual intercourse for 4- 7 days. Can spend third acid testis ketone, benzene B sour testis ketone, benzene third sour promise dragon in one week before checking. While adopting the seminal fluid, can make the massage of penis with the soft soap or liquid paraffin, collect the sample in the aseptic test tube; Can also be with the condom (rinse well, do not include and kill the sperm medicine) Or adopt sexual intercourse to cut off the law and collect the seminal fluid, but there is often not much quantity collected like this. Such as quarrying the seminal fluid by above-mentioned method, can adopt the urine through terminal massage seminal vesicle and spermatic duct, oppression in rectum, whether checking has sperms in the sediment. Don't expose the seminal fluid to overheated and supercooled environment. Give it to the doctor for reference in time, can't exceed 30 minutes. Cold it should pay attention to keeping hot, can put in the underwear pocket and keep warm while inspecting by ready samples.If train bacteria, should wash, sterilize the road junction of the urine first, and then collect the seminal fluid in the aseptic test tube.If does not bear, couple will check.Couple cohabit for more than 3 years, title infertility not taking any contraceptive to fail to become pregnant. If is infertility, before both sides have not checked, can't suspect one one party blindly, it is the wife to let alone think the infertile reason. Gestation is couple's business.Realize and become pregnant, the husband's content of seminal fluid should be normal, shape and motive force should be normal. Woman can ovulate normally, sperm with ovum can combine embryonated egg, the embryonated egg can membrane plant in uterus. The obstacles take place in several above-mentioned links and one of links, can all cause infertily.Have said the seminal fluid is checked, if the above-mentioned inspection fruits the seminal fluid is normal in the front, the wife should go to the hospital to check too, including whole body situation, genitals, ovary ovulate function, oviduct unobstructed denying, immunity are checked etc..


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