Thursday, February 28, 2013

Pausimenia sports can well prevent breast cancer

Pausimenia sports can well prevent breast cancer
A new research of U.S.A. reveals, the menopausal women normal in weight carry on great amount of exercise more and do exercises, can make its risk that suffer from breast cancer reduce by about 30%.
This is the conclusion that the scientific research personnel of a national cancer research institute of U.S.A. draw after followed and studied in 11 in more than 30,000 menopausal women. Researcher say great amount of exercise do exercises, include, walk, play tennis, jump aerobics quickly already and in the intersection of field and the intersection of person who ride a bicycle and dance and sport activity, also including scrubing housework such as the floor and wiping the window.
The researcher writes articles and says, the large amount of exercise does exercises and brings into effection only to the women normal in weight, not obvious to those woman's results overweight in weight, because the weight is overweight to increase the risk that women suffer from breast cancer. In addition, do not " move vigorously " Come to naught in preventing breast cancer, these do not " move vigorously " Including using the dust catcher, washing the clothes, taking a walk, hiking, jogging and bowling etc..
Researchers think, the great amount of exercise can improve people's body function to do exercises, strengthen immunity of body, reduce the carcinogenic factor and avoid chronic inflammation, thus has reduced the risk of suffering from breast cancer. This research results are published on magazine of latest an American " research of breast cancer ".
The editor recommends:Check and can prevent breast cancer early
The editor recommends:Early symptom of breast cancer
The editor recommends:How do women prevent breast cancer
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