Saturday, December 22, 2012

It causes cancer to wash hair in menstrual period?

It causes cancer to wash hair in menstrual period?

Have a result of study that reveal about breast carcinoma and some uterus diseases: No the young girl gets breast carcinoma and uterus and can not shrink completely, because internal hormone is secreted unevenly, it is apt to cause gynecological cancers such as uterus cancer,etc. to accumulate over a long period.
First: Endocrine regulation is not caused by period, just opposite in fact, hormone secretes and lacks proper care and has something to do with a lot of factors such as the physiology, heredity, psychology, environment.
Second: Emergence of cancer involved in living environment, habit,etc., the intersection of women and friend in menstrual period the intersection of habits and customs and science, apt to result in stopping in blood stasis, it will initiate pathological change that it is long, but might not be the canceration.
Then can women wash hair during menstrual period on earth? Yes, but should pay attention to not catching a cold. Why? Women's resistance in menstrual period will be reduced, if catching a cold, will cause qi and blood to be sluggish, cause menoxenia or menstruation. So could not dry and catch cold, cold and wash the foot or cold bath, eat raw and cold food among menstrual period, but these do not have a direct relation with gynecological cancer. Can adopt the healthy method: Have a bath and wash hair to wash the foot with the warm water.
We can know from hereinbefore, women can wash hair among menstrual period, don't catch a cold after but should notice that is the course is neutralized and washed to wash hairing; Extravasated blood corner uterus might not cause cancer is but apt to take place pathological change either.

The editor recommends:Women's why good hair endocrine regulation'the little wonderful method teaches you how to improve endocrine regulation


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