Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Vitamin may interfere with the chemotherapy of cancer

Vitamin may interfere with the chemotherapy of cancer
At this biological annual meeting of American cell held on Monday, north Carol that state Dr. Rudolph Salganik of university in the fields lying fallow in rotation points out, vitamin A of antioxidant and Vitamin E are beneficial to the human body, but because offset the function against cancer medicine, have side effect on chemotherapy patient especially, so the intersection of cancer and patient to carry on chemotherapy benefit take. Almost all the anticancer drug killed the cancer cell through the programming cell death. And antioxidant vitamin A and Vitamin E can reduce the programming cell death in the cancer cell notably. The programming cell death is a natural procedure of committing suicide of cell, when DNA of cells is encroached on seriously, this procedure will make cells destroy oneself. Researchers appeared to the brain the genetic engineering mouse of tumour carried on the experiment. Provide one food containing vitamin A and Vitamin E for it, make the intersection of brain and the intersection of cancer and the intersection of tumour and the intersection of programming and the intersection of and the intersection of cell and the intersection of death and proportion of cell its improve to 19% from normal 3% of diet. So expert propose carry on chemotherapy or the intersection of cancer and patient of radiotherapy if the intersection of diet and food containing antioxidant, the therapeutic effect will be better.



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