Saturday, September 29, 2012

The sorghum is easy to cook _ to cook the skill sweet potato

The sorghum is easy to cook _ to cook the skill sweet potato
Think it is a bit troublesome that Mr. Zhang's sorghum is cooked, I want to recommend a simple method: Clean sweet potato, cut several sections, the upper steamer tray is steamed, the cool temperature that can accept to hands, peel, 1: The maize flour of 1, mix with sweet potato (pinch garrulous sweet potato by hands to the maize flour in Riga, according to the humidity of sweet potato, do not add or add a small amount of fresh water at the same time) Become mud, make into the sorghum finally the steamer tray is steamed and can be eaten.Sweet potato food apt to produce angry food, eat more or eat, exchange stomach to be instead sour also on an empty stomach, make the intersection of maize flour and the intersection of sweet potato and sorghum into it takes stomach to be can comfortable more. The sorghum made like this, the mouthfeel is a little sweet, soft instead of sticking oilily. Beijing Chongwen District the Wu 's


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